Campaign Analytics

Table of Contents

In the Analytics tab, you can see the list of your person campaigns. Once you click into a campaign, you will be able to view all the analytics for the specific campaign.

Campaign Details Tile

The campaign details tile gives you a quick way to understand how your overlay is targeting users on your website. These settings can be changed in the "Triggers" section on the Aiva builder view.

Campaign Totals Tile

The campaign totals tile graphs how well your overlay has done over time. It can show emails submitted, clickthroughs achieved or sales driven in it�s lifetime.

Location Overview

The location overview tile shows a geographic breakdown of the traffic viewing your call to actions. Areas with high traffic will be highlighted with a green colour.

Daily Breakdown Tile

The daily breakdown tile will give you a quick look at what times of the day your overlay receives the most interaction based on your campaign goals. Areas with longer green sections represent moments with higher traffic.

Visitor Breakdown

The visitor breakdown tile lists and shows the devices and browers and operating systems that the customers use.

Recent Activity

The recent activity tile shows time spent, device and pages viewed for your most recent customers.

Last updated on 14th Jan 2022